ein Artikel als kulturelles Statement in Deutsch und Englisch (translated by Franziska Krieger)
Cameroonian pop videos are famous for their dance parts.
Lots of videos try to gain more
interest through a combination of sexy,
showing lots of naked skin and the fast, dynamic movements of its native
rhythms. A second important part are the male and female singers, who like to
portray themselves in richer environments . That means they are surrounded by
money, young and beautiful men and women and of course expensive cars. Ever
changing outfits in lots of different styles are essential as well. More and more
often we also find traditional backgrounds with whole groups dancing. The
dancing parts are part of the pastime
of many young people as well. Because here, they do not only listen to the
music but try to copy the dance steps as well. To perfect the newest dance
routine is hot.
Those typical videos definitely show the joy of music and
dance, both characteristics of Cameroon.
Nar6 Pryze "Sassaye" |
Diese typischen Videos zeigen auf jeden Fall die Freude an der Musik und dem Tanz, beides ist für Kamerun bezeichnend.
You can find examples within the videos of X-Maleya, Nar6 Pryze...
beispielsweise X Maleya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSX7toAoLbE,
Nar6 Pryze https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfVcpWoASrQ und
Numerica feat Bana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORjsvC5sz50
All the more interesting is the development of some of the younger musicians, who want to show
simply more. With the attempt of telling
a story or including typical elements of everyday life, the videos become not
only more interesting but also more diversified. Little elements of everyday
life tell stories, like Daphne’s „Rastafari“, which constitutes a breach with
„typical“ pop videos. Although still showing elements like dance moves and sexy
shots, the video achieves a new direction. Same goes fort he new clips of
Blaise B „Eposi“ or Salatiel „Fap Kolo“. Little stories from the lives of young people give a new perspective on
Cameroonian society (the market scene in „Fap Kolo“, the daily routine in
„Rastafari“). They also question certain
stereotypes (the white boyfriend in „Eposi“). The new assertiveness of these young musicians opens
up a new road for Cameroonian pop culture that should be further travelled.
Congrats and keep at it.
Daphne: "Rastafari": Frauen die ihre Haare machen. |
Salatiel "Fap Kolo": Marktszene. |
Blaise B. "Eposi": Tanzszene. |
Blaise B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al5NSQ19G1M
Salatiel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsQ4nH5iguo
Although actually culturally inapplicable american hip-hop and pop clichés are continuously applied and reproduced. And thus (smirk) also the „image of the black ghetto musician or gangster rapper“, which is simply non-existent in these other countries. Hence the ideal picture all those music videos try to imitate and portray is in alignment to the US. Even though the US rappers always point towards their african roots and justify their style and differences on the authority of their origin.
But to distinguish oneself from the mainstream to produce
something unique, makes the whole music industry not only more colourful but also
more varied and interesting.
This is just a very small collection and observation. Are there further unique Videos or absolut cliché, which have to be shared here? Share them with us.
Obwohl eigentlich kulturell unpassend, werden in Kamerun (Daphne: "Gunshut" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcwyvBgM2kw) genau wie in Deutschland (Cultur Candala "Hama" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWpW6W-kfnw, Bushido feat. Shindy "Panamera Flow" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDBqkoACakI) und anderen Ländern, die amerikanischen Hip-Hop und Pop-Klischees ständig aufgegriffen und reproduziert. Und damit lustigerweise auch "das Bild des schwarzen Ghettomusikers oder Gansterrappers", der hier so nicht existent ist. Somit richtet sich das Kultbild, das viele Musikvideos immer wieder imitieren, an den USA aus, wobei die Rapper dort immer auf ihre afrikanischen Wurzeln verweisen und ihren Stil mit der Herkunft vom schwarzen Kontinent begründen und abgrenzen. Sich von dem gängigen Mainstream abzugrenzen und etwas eigenes zu schaffen, macht die Musikwelt nicht nur farbenfroher (siehe BlinkBlink und Smoke), sondern auch klangreicher und interessanter.
Die ist nur eine kleine Auswahl und Beobachtung. Gibt es weitere originelle Videos oder absolute Klischees, die hier angeführt werden müssen? Teilt sie mit uns!
Ich stimme ganz, was Sie hier geschrieben haben. Also die Kameruner sowie die Afrikanischer moegen gern musik, worueber sie sich bewegen koennen. Ich glaube es ist ein teil von uns.
AntwortenLöschenHallo Gaetan, Was ist denn das neueste Video in Kamerun?
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Hallo Gaetan, Was ist denn das neueste Video in Kamerun?
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